School Quick Evac Life Pack
Price $379.00
Weight: 46 lbs.
24″ x 12″ x 12″
- Five 2400 cal. emergency food rations. Five years from expiration date.
- 45 packets of emergency water. Five years from expiration date.
- Dynamo radio flashlight
- 5 Solar blankets
- 1 Emergency hard hat
- 12 pouches Bio Green – Toilette Digester
- A 13 function Swiss style army knife
- 3 twelve hour light sticks. Four years from expiration date.
- 2 Fluorescent safety vests
- 1 Bottle of 50 water purification tablets
- 1 Folding shovel used as a hoe or a shovel
- Safety goggles
- 2 Pair of heavy duty work gloves with leather palm
- 1 Duct tape
- 1 50 feet of tough light weight nylon cord
- 1 Whistle
- 5 Dust masks
- Trash bags for sanitation purposes
- 1 Roll of tissue
- 1 Bag of hard candies for morale and energy
- 1 Tarp
- 1 Pry bar
- A First Aid Kit
- Survival guide
- 1 Water resistant nylon duffel bag, or a backpack.